Even if the demand side is a layman, you should invite the demand side to participate together, such as inviting collaborative office, meeting, visiting the team, guiding you, etc. job function email list Let the demand feel that the case is always in its hands. Although the demand side may not know exactly what each step does, he can also have a sense of participation. 2. Improve job function email list listening skills, communication skills, insight skills 1) Listening skills
Listen carefully to the requirements and feedback of the job function email list demand side, understand the extent to which the demand side expects the product design to reach, and clarify the requirements and categories. 2) Communication skills The ability to communicate with the demand side is very important. In the communication, you should be good at asking job function email list questions, and you should have a deeper understanding of the demand side's requirements and the ideas of the demand side. 3)
Insights For the needs of the demand side, we should conduct in-depth research and analyze it from the perspective of the demand side. While completing the job function email list explicit requirements, we can analyze their implicit needs and give them a perfect realization. 3. job function email list Investigate the deeper needs behind the demand side How to make demands that exceed the expectations of the demander? This question should be classified from the time of demand research. For details, please refer to the KANO model. If what you do is originally indistinguishable demands and basic demands,